

The Southern Cross Pre-school is a unique and special space. Through various age appropriate activities, our children are encouraged to think creatively, collaborate with one another and communicate effectively and appropriately. This enhances their critical thinking skills and promotes problem solving.

"we nurture"

The Pre-school motto is ‘We Nurture’. Our children learn in a safe, happy and positive environment which encourages their independence. They are praised, reassured and continuously reminded that kindness is one of the most important values one can possess.

day in the life

The learning programme is built upon our earnest belief that children learn through play. With this in mind, teachers pay attention to our children's physical, personal, social, emotional and spiritual well-being, as well as cognitive aspects of learning.

Our day starts when all our pre-schoolers have breakfast together, followed by Family Time which is a gathering of the children and interactive/action brain based songs are sung. It is time for our children and teachers to laugh, sing, dance and be together as one.

Our children are constantly presented with opportunities to discover new skills and gain knowledge. They are guided in learning to accept one another regardless of differences, are taught the importance of respecting themselves and others, and they are exposed to the wonders of our amazing environment.

All classes participate in Drama, allowing for many opportunities to develop their confidence on a stage and in front of an audience.  A learn-to-swim programme and the opportunity to enjoy various environmental experiences make the Pre-school an exciting place to be.

age groups & classes

Earth Tots Class | Ages 2 to 3 years

Our Earth Tots class is such a special place and concentrates on teaching children through play, sensory integration and exploration of the environment.

Creative activities, language development, fine motor skills, gross motor skills and ball activities, along with rhymes, songs and story time, assist in growing and developing these little people.

Bush Baby Class - Grade 000

Our Bush Baby children continue to explore everything the Earth Tots children are introduced to with the addition of refined gross and motor skills activities and the introduction of literacy and mathematical concepts.

These are always experienced through play.

Porcupine Class - Grade 00

The Porcupine children start their journey to Grade R during this year on a simplified level that introduces the foundations they will be building on in Grade R. Mathematics, literacy, life skills and creative activities are used as a teaching medium to grow, explore and stimulate our children.  

Wild Dog Class - Grade R

Mathematics is covered in Grade R through the Singapore Maths programme.  Singapore Maths provides a focussed and systematic foundation of essential mathematical concepts and basic reasoning skills. We use the Jolly Phonics programme to teach literacy.  It is fun and child-centred, teaching literacy using actions and songs for each sound.  It is a multi-sensory, motivating and engaging way to learn literacy.  

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