Innovativeeducation focusses on critical thinking, creativity, co-operation and what youdo with what you know. It is aboutemotional intelligence and being confident to speak your mind and creatingopportunities, as opposed to merely acquiring traditional vocational skills.
SouthernCross College has been in the business of educating teenagers for more than 10years. As a high school, we haveproduced excellent academic results and provided a safe environment for youngadults to be themselves and grow into confident members of society who are notafraid to tackle life’s challenges.
The2020 Covid-19 pandemic has given the world a shake-up and it has becomeapparent that there are many systems and structures that are no longernecessary. Multi-million dollarcompanies recognise that they can be just as productive with employees workingremotely and on virtual platforms, as they were in the office.
Thesame can be said about the classroom, and education has been propelled into anew, exciting technological era.
2021will be a dynamic year for Southern Cross College as the Board of Governors andschool embrace the current times and changes in education by remodelling theCollege.
FromJanuary 2021, Southern Cross College will be affiliated with an online teachingorganisation called Brainline. Brainline, an IEB-accredited educational institution that has been inoperation for 30 years, will be delivering the academic content to the Collegelearners. Why?
Thereare many advantages to Southern Cross College collaborating with Brainline:
• Extensive subject choice offering atotal of 20 subjects to choose from,
• A substantial reduction in schoolfees,
• Support and guidance of a dedicatedmentor in the classroom at Southern Cross College,
• Flexibility for learners to work attheir own pace,
• A structured school environmentcatering for more than just the academic needs of learners,
• Exposure to skills and technologydriving global development.
Mostimportantly, it will allow for an intensified focus on skills such as complexproblem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management and emotionalintelligence, some of the most important skills required in the workplace andthroughout adult life. Southern CrossCollege learners will finish Grade 12 with more than just a certificate. Theyfinish with the skills to contribute to an ever-changing society withconfidence and competence.
Otherthan the new means of academic instruction, the known and familiar aspects ofSouthern Cross College will continue. Sport and culture are still on offer. Arranged trips will enhance the education of the learners. A massiveshift back to the roots of the school’s existence will teach sustainability andenvironmental consciousness, allowing College learners to make a difference tothe world in which they live.
Matricfarewells, Grade 8 orientation, leadership structures and programmes,Eisteddfods, Olympiads, chess clubs, and long distance swimming will still havea permanent place on the Southern Cross College calendar. Along with the established extra-curricularactivities, there will be many new opportunities (we are thinking scuba divingin Mozambique, cultural trips to shows and galleries, Junior FGASAqualifications and many more!)
Wehave a strong, dynamic and capable team who are ready to achieve great thingsat the College in 2021. They are all currently teachers at the College andcollectively have more than 29 years’ experience at Southern CrossSchools. Their primary role will be toserve as mentors, supporting and guiding our learners through the usualday-to-day challenges, academic and otherwise. Above all else, they are there to listen to, engage with and encouragethe learners. The role of a mentor takes on the responsibility of academic, sportand cultural support and organisation. We are extremely fortunate to have motivated, multi-skilled andpassionate staff who will always have our learners’ best interests at heart!
Isit a bold move? Absolutely!
Itis a bold move that will prepare our Southern Cross College learners to movewith the times, to embark on new challenges, to create their own direction andto embrace their future with conviction and determination. This move is ground-breaking and exciting!