The last two weeks of the College year were filled with fun, hard work and spirit. Three amazing calendar events took place during this time.
The programme kicked off with a wonderful championship gala, followed by ‘6 Words’ the annual production which showcased the incredible talent of our College singers, actors and dancers.
During this time, the Grade 11s spent two days plotting and planning their leadership roles in 2022.
Our various committees were also involved in planning a committee day. The Cultural and Media committee hosted a learner auction and quiz which raised a huge amount of money and oodles of spirit. Our Grade 10 learners managed to squeeze in a day in the Kruger Park in an amongst everything else.
The College had a Mentor Day when each mentor class took on a project. The Grade 9s spent their day planting, pruning and weeding in the school nursery. The Grade 10s marked the mountain biking/ trail running route and sorting out sporting equipment. The Grade 8s were involved in painting, door covering, science lab equipment washing, bush packing and sorting out the aluminum tin re-cycling station. The Grade 11s sound-proofed their break away room - this is still a work in process.
Two days focused on Acts of Random Kindness – one day in the community and one day at the school. The Community Day saw a litter clean-up along the R527, toy boxes being delivered to a local pre-primary school, ‘Jars of Hope’ handed out and lastly, a performance by our drummers at Gracious Living Retirement Home, while other learners presented eisteddfod pieces to the residents.
The second day was an internal Act of Random Kindness. The Grade R-7 children were invited to sign up for a fun science, art, soccer or drumming experience. All these activities were led by our senior learners and a staff member. At the Pre-school’s final party of the year, a number of College learners helped with water sliding and just having a great time with our pre-schoolers.
A Skills Day was attended by all learners where they learnt various skills such as sewing, first aid, car maintenance, orienteering, basic electronics and for a bit of busking experience, gum-boot dancing. All in all, a jam packed two weeks that taught many lessons outside the classroom. The biggest one being kindness.
The two weeks ended off with the last official calendar event which was the Grade 8 Etiquette Dinner. This year the Grade 9 learners participated in the tradition as they did not have an opportunity to have their Etiquette Dinner in 2020 due to Covid regulations. As part of their Life Orientation course, the learners get involved in a number of processes from budgeting to working with new design programmes.
And in between all of the above, we saw our 2022 College Crux leaders step into their leadership role and plan a number of spirit-building sessions, a sustainability proposal was established in conjunction with watching ‘Life On our Planet’, and we bid our Grade 12 Class of 2021 farewell as they rang the bell after their last exam.
All in all – a jam packed two weeks that taught many lessons outside of classroom.
The whole process ended off with a well-deserved pool party to mark the end of the year and the beginning of a well-deserved holiday.